Monday, November 16, 2015

Call to Action Conference

It is soooo good to be home, even if it is snowing a little bit. Oh, yes, it snows in Arizona.  I want to talk a little about the Call to Action held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin last weekend.  It was an awakening to me about all the issues facing our Church at this time.  The faithful who gathered were exposed to every aspect of social justice from ordination of women to international human rights to LGBT inclusion.  We experienced wonderful liturgies with music and dancing.  It was truly a "shot in the arm" spiritually speaking.   I was there to conduct a "caucus" about immigration.  Sr Pat Rogucki, SFCC, and I discussed immigration with about twenty people.  We were sponsored by Mary's Pence who is a donor to We Are One Family.  The concern for social justice at this conference was palpable. Of particular note was Sr. Joan Chittister's keynote address.

Friday, November 6, 2015

walking the Labyrinth

On Wednesday, November 4, eight women from the transition house along with two staff members came to Nieves de la Rosa house to walk the Labyrinth. After an introduction to the history and process we gathered outside for the actual walking.  It was a very windy day but there was a spirit of openness and calm as they walked in silence.  When finished we returned indoors and experienced a finger Labyrinth drawing the path in color.  As always they were very grateful.